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Poste Italiane tra i leader della sostenibilità secondo Il Sole 24 Ore
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The Poste Italiane Group among the leaders of economic and financial sustainability according to Il Sole 24 Ore

Poste Italiane is among the 2022 leaders of sustainability in the absolute league table of the 200 “Sole 24 Ore-Statista” pioneers and of the economic sustainability ranking

Poste Italiane is among the 2022 leaders of sustainability in the absolute league table of the 200 “Sole 24 Ore-Statista” pioneers and is among the leaders of the economic sustainability ranking It is in fact Il Sole 24 Ore that writes this in its “Reports” study underlining that Poste, on the occasion of the celebration of its 160 years in the presence of President Mattarella, “claimed its double success: managing to be an economic protagonist that produces results and at the same time having a social function for the national economic system”.

The integrated report

“The double success, economic-financial and social” the economic-financial daily writes again “emerges from the public reporting of the colossus of logistics, finance, insurance, postal and payment services: not two distinct reports, one statutory and one on sustainability, but a single integrated report, the result of ‘integrated thinking’ that sees the coexistence of financial assessments and sustainability impacts in the corporate decisions’, the company writes”. Il Sole 24 Ore summarises the Group’s sustainability numbers: 2021 ended with revenues up by 6.6% on an annual basis, at € 11.2 billion, with a record net profit up by 31% (to € 1.6 billion) and with a new dividend policy revised upwards (+21% from 2021). But above all a fundamental “contribution to Italian economic growth with a positive cumulative impact on GDP of more than € 49 billion from 2018 to 2021”.

Support for the country

lI Sole 24 Ore notes also that Poste, during the pandemic, “supported the communities through its IT platform for booking vaccines and through their distribution around the country”, reaching “a third of Italians”. “Its leading role for social sustainability was performed therefore at 360 degrees”: it is worth noting “the acceleration on diversity and gender equality policies, the provision of 24 million hours of training to employees since 2017 and of a financial and digital education programme in more than 3000 schools. 15,000 new jobs have also been promised”. As regards environmental sustainability, lI Sole 24 Ore continues “the march is continuing towards the target of becoming a group with zero net emissions by 2030. At the end of 2021 postpersons’ vehicles with low emissions had become 10,000, there were innumerable photovoltaic panels on properties and an ecological innovation has also been launched: Postepay Green a new 100%-biodegradable prepaid card”. And the challenge continues with increasingly ambitious objectives, the daily notes, “starting from the Polis project for € 1.12 billion of which € 800 million financed with NRRP funds to bring digital services” to small villages.