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Parità di genere, sicurezza, salari: la sostenibilità di Poste passa per la valorizzazione delle persone
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Gender equality, security, salaries: Poste's sustainability moves towards the value of people

Milano Finanza, in its sustainability report published on 28 July, analyses the Poste case and its commitment to valuing employees

For years, Poste Italiane has set sustainability not only as an objective, but as a corporate management method, 'setting the tone for other Italian companies, as it is in some ways required to do, it being the country's largest employer with over 120,000 employees'. This is what Milano Finanza writes in its Sustainability Report published on 28 July, in which it analyses the Poste case and its commitment to valuing people.

People at the heart

“In particular,” writes MF, “one of the areas of greatest commitment of the company led by Matteo del Fante is that of valuing people and inclusivity, understood in the four dimensions of gender, generations, disability and interculturality. These two values are two of the pillars of the Group's ESG strategy, as defined in the 2024 Sustain & Innovate Plus plan, in which business objectives and responsibility towards people are integrated into a sustainable growth approach”. Poste Italiane's great achievements are cited, such as its inclusion in the Gender Equality Global Top 100 published by Equileap, a leading organisation that processes gender equality data, which rewarded the company's commitment to eliminating the gender pay gap in every salary range. “An achievement,” it is stressed, “that has helped Italy rise to a leading position in this field".

A company that cares about gender equality

And that is not all. Another important aspect is mentioned. "Also above the national average is the very high percentage of women — who together account for half of the workforce — among board members (44%) and among post office managers (59%). Policies for valuing people, including the search for new talent and a commitment to quality training, have earned Poste Italiane the Top Employer certification from the Top Employers Institute, the international certifying body that assesses the ability of companies to guarantee the best working conditions”.

Social Initiatives

Finally, MF emphasises Poste Italiane's social initiatives, such as those in support of non-profit organisations that aid vulnerable minors, part of the Presenti sul territorio, vicini alle comunità [On the ground, close to the community] plan. "Adding value to communities, particularly the country's inland areas, and support for the employment of disadvantaged people are a further area of activity for the group, which last February signed an agreement with the Third Sector Forum for the implementation of sustainability and voluntary projects”, concludes the article in the business daily.