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Sostenibilità, l'esempio di Poste tra le Best Practice dell’UN Global Compact Network
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Poste’s example of Sustainability among the Best Practices of the UN Global Compact Network

The UN Global Compact Network Italy included the company’s sustainability initiatives in its Position Paper on supply chain management

Sustainability is among the key principles guiding Poste Italiane’s actions: recognising PI’s commitment was the UN Global Compact Network Italy, which included the group’s example in its Position Paper “Sustainable Supply Chain Management: Between Responsibility and Opportunity for Business”, presented at the CSR and Social Innovation exhibition. This document recognises the commitment of several companies, among them Poste Italiane, to managing supply chains sustainably, together with their ability to identify opportunities related to this challenge.

The effort of Poste Italiane

There are several activities that Poste Italiane has implemented to demonstrate its commitment to sustainability. For example, the company has a Code of Ethics, which is supported by a body of corporate policies and guidelines on the protection of human rights. In addition, Poste Italiane has launched a people engagement initiative called “INSIEME 24 SI”, aimed at encouraging the active and spontaneous contribution of all the Group’s people.

The Global Compact Criteria

In this space, we wanted to gather everyone’s contribution to the realisation of Poste’s Industrial Plan, favouring the response to the proposed calls to action: Customer Experience, Green Transition, Innovation, Valuing People, Diversity and Inclusion, Integrity and Transparency, Sustainable Finance and Valuing the Territory. From all the ideas collected, a jury of experts has selected 10, which will subsequently be awarded during a final event. In evaluating the ideas, assessments were made on both the degree of innovation proposed and the possibility of achieving sustainable development goals.

Comparison with stakeholders

To enable the participation of all Group staff members, a technology platform was also implemented to support Poste Group’s internal change management programme. The project will involve everyone affected by Poste Italiane’s activities, not just employees. The platform was designed to ensure Poste Italiane’s involvement of its stakeholders, integrating their ideas into the process of defining its Sustainability Strategy. Poste Italiane has, with this initiative, aimed to create value for everyone involved in the Group.