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Booking a Poste ticket. How to plan your time slot at the Post Office

How to book an appointment at the counter

It is possible to book time slots for over 3,000 Post Offices online via the Ufficio Postale app, WhatsApp and the Poste website.

This enables users to book an appointment at the counter while at home or en-route by selecting a specific time and date.

This way, users only need to arrive to the Post Office just before their appointment. Regardless of the method chosen, customers will receive a booking code that will appear on the Post Office display when it is their turn.

Thanks to the online booking service, appointments can be distributed across office opening times, reducing waiting times and ensuring compliance with Covid-19 social distancing rules.

Booking a ticket via the Ufficio Postale and BancoPosta Apps

By downloading the Ufficio Postale app, you can book a ticket using your smartphone or tablet. Search for your local Post Office on the map available on the main page of the Ufficio Postale app. Once you have selected the Post Office on the map, click “Book a ticket” and book your time slot or, if available, choose to add yourself to the queue immediately.

You can also book your slot by using the BancoPosta app. From the side menu, click on “Appointments and tickets” then on the next page click “Book a ticket” and select the Post Office on the map. Once you have selected the Post Office, click on the Calendar symbol and then click “Book ticket” to select your slot or, if available, choose to add yourself to the queue immediately.

In both cases, simply follow the instructions on the screen to obtain your digital ticket.

Book a Poste Italiane appointment via WhatsApp

To request a digital ticket via WhatsApp, save the number 371 500 3715 into your smartphone contacts. Next, start a chat and a virtual Poste Italiane operator will give you the option to book a ticket for the various options available, such as SPID activation.

To find the Post Office where you want to book an appointment, type in the address manually or use geo-localisation on your phone and share your position in the chat. In both cases, you will be advised of the nearest Post Office to book your ticket.

Booking a ticket online on the website

You can book your time slot online: from the Home page of the Poste Italiane website, use the search bar and enter the city, address or postcode to find the Post Office you want to visit. A map will appear on the next page where you can select the post office (indicated by the PT symbol). On the post office branch information page, click “Book ticket” and follow the instructions to reserve your slot.

The ticket will be sent by e-mail to the address entered while booking.

How to book a time slot to request SPID

Citizens can go to any Post Office nationwide to activate SPID. Before going to the Post Office, you need to pre-register on the website and book your time slot from home via the website, the Ufficio Postale spp or via Whatsapp on number 371 500 3715. You will need to show a valid ID issued by the Italian government and your health insurance card, as well as a mobile number and an e-mail address in order to manage your digital identity securely. There are no forms to fill in and the operator will activate your digital identity in just a few minutes.

The “digital time slot”

It is now possible to use the digital channels to queue up in around 700 Post Offices by obtaining a virtual ticket. Thanks to this procedure, you can monitor your turn directly on your smartphone.

You can queue up digitally either before going to the Post Office, from home or along the way, or once at the Post Office by using your smartphone to scan the QR Code on the queue management screen (the digital display found at the post office entrances) or the QR Code sticker at the entrance. When it is your turn, you will receive a message inviting you to come to the counter.