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SPID: come richiedere l’identità digitale PosteID
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SPID: how to apply for a PosteID digital identity

Request a SPID with a Poste Italiane SPID at the Post Office, online or via the app

PosteID is Poste Italiane's SPID (Sistema Pubblico di Identità Digitale - Public Digital Identity System) service, which enables users to access all of the online services of the Public Administration, private service providers displaying the SPID logo, and enabled services of Poste Italiane with one username and password.

What is SPID and what is it for?

There are currently more than 5,000 SPID-enabled public and private online services and more than 26 million Italians have activated their Digital Identity, with around 80% issued by Poste Italiane. One of the best-known uses is the option to use SPID to download the Green Pass from government website, the IO app or by connecting to your personal own electronic health record on the website of your local region. SPID can also be used to access INPS and Agenzia delle Entrate online services; to request certificates online and free of charge via the National Register of Resident Population (ANPR) site; to enrol children in primary, secondary, first and second grade schools; to access pagoPA, the electronic payment system for payments to the Public Administration; and to apply for the 2022 culture bonus via the online platform and the 18app app

SPID and security levels

SPID-enabled PosteID is distinguished by exceptionally high security standards. In fact, it allows access to the three SPID security levels:

  • SPID 1, for access to services requiring password-only authentication;
  • SPID 2, for services that require a secondary security authentication, such as the PosteID App, or an OTP code sent via SMS to a certified telephone number;
  • SPID 3, which requires authentication with the highest level of reliability and security, with access by password, the PosteID App and the SPID 3 PIN.

Apply for SPID at post offices, online and via the app

There are numerous ways to request the SPID-enabled PosteID service: at the post office, via the PosteID app or by making a request on the website, both for citizens who have a National Services Card with PIN or a digital signature, and for holders of a BancoPosta or Postepay service who are enabled for online banking. Let's take a step-by-step look at how to apply for the SPID through Poste Italiane and how to obtain the credentials and your own digital identity.

How to activate SPID at the Post Office

Citizens can go to any Post Office nationwide to activate SPID. Before arriving at the Post Office, users must pre-register on the website and book a slot via the website, selecting the nearest branch and clicking “book a ticket”, the Ufficio Postale app, or the WhatsApp chat function on number 371 500 3715. You will need to show a valid ID issued by the Italian government and your health insurance card, as well as a mobile number and an e-mail address in order to manage your digital identity securely. You will not be required to fill in any forms and operators will activate your digital identity in just a few minutes.

Applying for SPID with the PosteID app

To obtain your SPID from home or on the move, simply download the free PosteID app onto your smartphone and follow the instructions: citizens who hold an Italian Passport or Electronic Identity Card will have to frame the document and their face using their smartphone camera (equipped with NFC technology, now widely used on all smartphones) and bring the document close to the device to enable electronic recognition. In addition, you must record a short video confirming your wish to apply for the service. If you have an Electronic Identity Card and know your PIN, the process is even easier: no photo or video is required and activation is immediate. In addition, citizens who do not have a Passport or Electronic Identity Card can complete the registration by making a standard SEPA transfer, from an Italian current account in their name or jointly held, of a symbolic amount of one euro, which will be refunded at the end of the procedure.

SPID from

On the website, Bancoposta and Postepay customers who securely access Poste Italiane's online banking services can also apply for SPID online. The system will verify your identity by asking you to enter the password you use to access Poste Italiane services and will send a verification code to the mobile phone associated with the Bancoposta or Postepay account. Your digital identity will be activated in a few minutes. Anyone with a National Services Card (CNS) and a digital signature can also activate their digital identity from the portal by following the instructions provided.

Applying for SPID from abroad

The Digital Identity application can also be made by Italians living abroad by using their Electronic Identity Card or Passport. What’s more, the PosteID service supports mobile phone numbers issued by Italian and foreign network providers. Simply click on the number entry field, change the prefix and select the number of the foreign operator.

How to obtain assistance for SPID

Customers can access support for any problems or queries by calling the free-phone customer service number 800 007 777, available Monday to Saturday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. excluding bank holidays.

Watch the SPID video tutorial

The Poste Italiane step-by-step video tutorial on how to activate SPID at the post office is available now.