Diversity & Inclusion certification for Poste Italiane. The company has been certified according to standard ISO 30415:2021 Human resource management - Diversity and Inclusion for its ability to integrate the principles of diversity and inclusion into all its processes for planning, steering, control, coordination, and delivery of postal, financial, insurance, and digital services. The certification was issued by IMQ, one of the world's most authoritative accredited certification bodies. The certification once again confirms the central role that Poste Italiane assigns to the principles of sustainable development.
National reference
'The business culture expressed by Poste Italiane, inspired by inclusion, is even more deeply rooted and increasingly better perceived, even outside the company and on an international level', said Poste Italiane CEO Matteo Del Fante. 'The certification, therefore, recognises this perception, which is the result of the work carried out in recent years by the Group on inclusion by valuing diversity in all its forms and on every organisational level and strengthens our commitment to stand as a national reference for diversity and inclusion'.
Inclusive culture
'The affirmation of an inclusive culture', comments Giuseppe Lasco, Co-General Manager of Poste Italiane, 'generates individual and collective benefits and enriches the experience of all Poste Italiane personnel at every level of responsibility. The recognition aligns the company with the main reference standards, fosters a change of pace towards an increasingly inclusive and widespread culture within the company, and enhances the Group's international reputation for the effectiveness of its inclusion policies'.
Competitive advantage
The conscious management of diversity in an inclusive manner, in addition to creating shared social value, is a competitive advantage for the entire Group and helps promote the engagement of people in the company’s objectives. In fact, obtaining the ISO 30415:2021 certification is a further merit for the company, which is added to other important recognitions obtained by Poste Italiane, including the global leadership in gender equality according to Bloomberg's Gender-Equality Index and inclusion in the Top 100 global ranking on gender equality drawn up by Equileap.
Certifications obtained
The ISO 30415:2021 certification is in addition to the other certifications obtained by the Poste Italiane Group: ISO 37301:2021 (Compliance Management Systems), ISO 9001:2015 (Quality Management Systems), ISO 37001:2016 (Anti-bribery Management Systems), ISO 45001:2018 (Occupational Health and Safety), ISO 14001:2015 (Environmental Management Systems), ISO 20000-1:2018 (Information Technology), ISO 27001:2013 (Information Security), ISO 20400:2017 (Sustainable Procurement), IMQ IMS:2021 (Management Systems Integration), ISO 29993 (Learning Services Outside Formal Education), ISO 22222 (Personal Financial Planning) and UNI TS 11348 (Personal Financial Planning) as well as UNI 11402:2020 (Financial Education) and ISO 37002:2021 (Whistleblowing Management Systems).