Poste Italiane's Polis project is ready to go: a long article in Il Sole 24 Ore on Sunday, 6 November, described the aims and initiatives of the '€1.12 billion project, financed with 800 million through the complementary plan of the NRRP and the rest by Poste.’
Polis project services
'The first three prototypes are almost complete in Fara in Sabina, Campagnano di Roma and San Felice Circeo,' reads the article in the financial newspaper, 'but a total of 18 one-stop shops will be ready by March, set up inside post offices. 6,933 post offices will be involved, in municipalities with fewer than 15,000 inhabitants, where a one-stop shop will be set up where 'a range of public administration services currently scattered among several offices will be provided. These include applications for electronic identity cards, passports, civil status and registry certificates, self-declarations of loss, reports of possession and transport of weapons (managed by the Ministry of the Interior); applications for reissuance of tax codes, statements of account of debt positions, view of property plans, exemption from the RAI licence fee, powers of attorney for frail persons (managed by the Revenue Agency); judicial certificates (Ministry of Justice); ISEE (financial situation index), statement of contributions, OBIS model for pensioners, single certification (INPS); issue of nautical licence, report and request for licence duplicates (Ministry of Infrastructure)'.
Mattarella's support
‘There are large spaces located in front of post offices In many municipalities, and we intend to convert them into social spaces,' explains Giuseppe Lasco, Poste's co-general manager in the article. Outside the offices, we will install digital cabinets through which we will provide services 24-7.’ In fact, with the arrival of Matteo Del Fante as Group CEO, Poste Italiane has decided to invest in small municipalities: 'Our goal,' the CEO explains, 'is to lead the country's digital transition by providing assistance to customers through dedicated staff. There are about 11 million people in need of support, 6 million of whom over 65 years old'. 'For us, offices play a crucial role,' Del Fante continues, 'They create a very powerful network, a consolidated brand that allows us to reach the entire territory in a capillary manner. Post offices are often the only institutional presence in the smaller municipalities.’ The President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella, who has always been attentive to the needs of even the smallest Italian realities, was decisive for the implementation of the Polis project: 'President Mattarella cares a lot about this project and we are grateful to him because he has always supported it,' says Lasco, as reported by Il Sole 24 Ore.
The first 18 municipalities and co-working
'Polis,' writes Il Sole 24 Ore, 'is the first project presented by an Italian company to have obtained authorisation from the European Commission, in particular for the examination of the portion of the financing, amounting to €550 million, which falls under state aid rules. While waiting for the funds to be disbursed, Poste is starting with the first 18 branches, financing them with its own funds of around €20 million. Among the first 18 municipalities where the one-stop shop will be implemented are Tolmezzo (UD), Lamon (BI), Calazicorte (LC), Gattico-Veruno (NO), Taggia (IM), Colecchio (PR), Alto Remo Terme (BO), Borgo a Mozzano (LU), Magione (PG), Cepagatti (PE), Macchiagodena (IS), Piedimonte Matese (CE), Bernalda (MT), Cetraro (CS), Aragona (AG). And not just services: recharging stations will be installed next to the post offices, for a total plan of 5,000 stations, and a series of spaces will be dedicated to co-working (250 sites in prestigious buildings located in the centre of medium and small towns, 200 million invested that will make Poste the first operator in Italy when it comes to co-working).