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Pagamenti e mobile: una crescita notevole su tutte le linee di prodotto
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Payments and mobile: significant growth across all product lines

PostePay continues to play a key role as a market leader with robust growth and expansion of digital services in Italy, thanks also to the contribution of LIS

In Q3 Payments and Mobile segment revenues continued to grow by a strong 34.8% y/y to €297m (+25.7% y/y to €779m), confirming the key role of PostePay as leader in the fast-growing and evolving digital payments environment in Italy and thanks to the contribution from LIS, whose acquisition generated €29m gross revenues in Q3.

Card payments were up 37.3% y/y to €155m (+25.8% y/y to €404m in 9M-22) supported by both physical and digital transactions.

The shift towards higher recurring margin Evolution cards continued, with the total stock now at 9.3 million cards (up 10.6% y/y in 9M-22).

In Q3 Other payments were up 113.5% y/y to €59m (+101.4% y/y to €135m in 9M-22), mainly thanks to payment transactions directly managed by PostePay as Payment Service Provider.

Telco revenues were stable (+0.3% y/y) to €80m in Q3 (+2.4% y/y to €237m in 9M-22), benefitting from a consistent customer base of 4.9 million users (+1.5% y/y from 4.8 million in 9M-22) and a low churn rate.

E-commerce transactions continue the upward trend in the first nine months of the year to 429m (+14.8% y/y).

The new energy offer, launched in June for Poste’s employees and retirees, started contributing with €3m revenues in the quarter and reaching ca. 40 thousand subscriptions.

In Q3 EBIT was up 37.1% y/y to €101m (+31.8% y/y to €270 in 9M-22).

Consolidated since September 1.