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Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women: President Farina talks about Poste's commitment

On the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, Poste Italiane’s President Maria Bianca Farina spoke about the company's commitment

25 November is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. To mark this day, Poste Italiane organised a webinar entitled 'Corporate volunteering to support women victims of violence', during which President Maria Bianca Farina reiterated the company's commitment to inclusion and combating gender-based violence. Part of the message aired on TG Poste.

President Farina's message

Our company, characterised by an important female presence, wanted to take up the alarm raised by third-sector associations that have been working for decades to eradicate what is actually a form of human rights violation.

This is a social phenomenon that cannot see us as spectators.

Violence against women is not an individual problem but a social dynamic that affects everyone. This phenomenon needs to be talked about to be able to find an answer for which each of us, also as a company, can and must continue to fight.

Due to its size, historical nature, capillarity and socio-economic importance, Poste Italiane has always played a primary and relevant role with respect to the market, economic development and community welfare, and has for years promoted and contributed to integrated policies, cohesion processes, social inclusion as well as the overall sustainability of the territory and the communities it serves.

Today, on this symbolic date representing the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, I felt it was important to share with you all the concrete commitment carried out by our company, both alongside institutions and third-sector associations in this field. I would also like to share the future challenges that corporate volunteering intends to support on this issue.

This commitment is consistent with the Group's Sustainability Strategy, which has identified the strengthening of corporate volunteering as a means of creating a network of solidarity in the region. The ultimate aim is to make a significant impact on society by supporting the creation of virtuous volunteering.

We thus help to establish our own corporate volunteering model, developing and implementing, nationally as well as locally, a set of initiatives, projects and services in collaboration with third-sector organisations, supported through the involvement and proactive commitment of the Group's community of employee volunteers.

To seal the commitment and the challenge, there will be the activation of a dedicated corporate platform.

Corporate volunteering initiatives are also being launched in collaboration with national organisations such as Telefono Rosa, Differenza Donna, Rete D.i.Re.

Volunteers are the beating heart of the association working against gender-based violence. Thanks to the contribution of the Poste's volunteer community and their dedication, we are confident that we will be able to make an important contribution.

The common 'feeling' and commitment of the people at Poste has made, makes and will always make our company, a leader in combating gender-based violence in all its forms, aware that each of our projects is a step for the company, in support of a leap forward for women and for society.