Poste Italiane is the first among the companies in the FTSE MIB insurance sector and the largest company in terms of number of employees to receive the Equal-Salary certification for the strict application of remuneration policies without gender bias. The certification testifies to Poste Italiane's commitment to creating an inclusive working environment and a corporate culture based on respect and equal opportunities in career paths.
International best practice
The certification, issued by Equal-Salary, an independent Swiss non-profit organisation, was developed in cooperation with the University of Geneva, respecting international standards and best practices, and allows companies to verify and publicise pay equity, for equal work, within the company organisation. The recognition was conferred at the end of a process, based on a rigorous methodology recognised by the European Commission, and with the support of PwC Italia, and included a detailed analysis of the remuneration levels for the entire company population, focus groups, interviews, and surveys on employee perception of the company's commitment to inclusion and diversity. A study of human resources management and development policies was also carried out.
Continuous commitment
'As a listed company and Italy's largest employer, we are very pleased with this recognition, which attests to the concrete application of the principles of pay equity and confirms Poste Italiane's ongoing commitment to diversity and inclusion policies, one of the pillars of our 2024 Sustain & Innovate Plus strategic plan', said Matteo Del Fante, CEO of Poste Italiane. 'Fostering the development of a culture based on fairness and merit also in remuneration policies and career paths is fundamental in our strategy to ensure the Group's competitiveness and generate positive effects for the country-system'.
National reference
'We are proud to receive this certification, which highlights the validity of our model based on inclusion and the enhancement of diversity and makes Poste Italiane a national reference in the application of Diversity & Inclusion principles', commented Giuseppe Lasco, Co-General Manager of Poste Italiane. 'We invest daily in creating an inclusive work environment, based on the respect and protection of women in the company, so equal pay is also a fundamental pillar to attract and professionally grow the best talent, contributing to the Group's growth in the long term'.
Other recognitions
The Equal-Salary certification is in addition to other important recognitions obtained by Poste Italiane, including global leadership in gender equality according to Bloomberg's Gender-Equality Index, inclusion in the Top 100 global ranking on gender equality drawn up by Equileap, and the certification according to ISO 30415:2021 Human resource management - Diversity and inclusion standard for its ability to integrate the principles of diversity and inclusion in all processes for design, direction, control, coordination, and delivery of postal, financial, insurance, and digital services.