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Via libera Ue a misura per Italia da 20 milioni per Poste nella creazione di 80 spazi di co-working
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EU gives the green light for a €20 million Italian measure for Poste to create 80 co-working spaces

The scheme is part of Italy’s National Complementary Investments Plan (NCP), which supplements its NRRP with national resources: European Commission notice

The European Commission has given the green light for the €20 million Italian measure to compensate Poste Italiane for creating 80 co-working spaces in small and mid-sized cities across the country. The scheme is part of Italy’s National Complementary Investments Plan (NCP), which supplements its NRRP with national resources.

The measures are part of the Polis project

The plan follows another €21.1 million measure from Rome to support Poste Italiane as it builds charging infrastructure, as approved by Brussels on 5 October 2022. Both measures are part of the Polis Project, in which Poste Italiane is committed to delivering a variety of services to small communities and remote areas in Italy.

EU, a necessary and proportionate measure

The public support for co-working spaces, valid until 31 December 2026, will take the form of a direct grant and will cover development costs in areas where private investments would not otherwise be made. The Commission found the measure to be necessary, appropriate and proportionate, with a limited impact on competition and the single market.

Go here for the European Commission bulletin containing the press release: