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Valorizzazione delle persone, diversità e inclusione: l’attenzione di Poste al Multistakeholder Forum
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Valuing people, diversity and inclusion: Poste's focus at the Multistakeholder Forum

Fourth appointment with the Focus Group of Poste Italiane's Multistakeholder Forum: the discussion on sustainability continues

The valuing of people and diversity and inclusion were the main topics of the fourth appointment with the Focus Group of Poste Italiane's Multistakeholder Forum, now in its sixth edition, which represents an important moment of analysis in the path of discussion on sustainability, engaging employees, shareholders and other categories of stakeholders on ideas and projects and discussing ESG issues.

The pillars of sustainability

The Focus Group was opened by Marcello Grosso, Head of 'Sustainable Development, Risk and Group Compliance' in Corporate Affairs, who emphasised Poste's strong focus on ESG criteria, represented by the eight pillars of the strategic plan. Ensuring the company's impact is an up-to-date sustainability measurement, which takes into account external engagement, risks and opportunities for the Group, as well as a commitment to timely and accessible reporting to stakeholders.

Eight thousand recruitments

Tiziana Morandi, Head of 'Human Resources and Organisation' in Corporate Affairs, spoke about people's valorisation, focusing on Poste Italiane's responsibility to foster the creation of working environments where people can match their aspirations, expectations, their way of being and fully succeed in making their contribution. As the country's leading company, Poste also has a responsibility for job creation: last year, around 3,400 people were hired in the Group; in 2022, from January to date, over 8,000 new resources have been recruited with open-ended and apprenticeship contracts, whose average age is around 31. Moreover, almost half of the newly-recruited (58%) are women. Placements were made in all areas of business. In particular, in the Digital Technology and Operations function and in business support staff structures, but also in the financial and insurance sector, in the logistics sector, as well as in the energy sector, in view of the Poste Group's entry into this new market.

People's participation

Morandi also spoke about the importance of the engagement of Poste's people, explaining that the ideas born within the company are always the most important. On the challenge of engagement, Poste launched an important initiative, aimed at promoting an organisational culture oriented towards continuous change, innovation and the creation of shared value - "INSIEME24SI'. A platform that stimulates the active participation of all of Poste's people, generating awareness about the important role that everyone, in doing their job, has for the growth of the company and the context in which it operates, in line with our mission. It is therefore an open space, where one learns 'by doing', also by confronting worlds other than our own (such as start-ups) and where one gets acquainted with different experiences and skills within the Group. To date, some 1300 ideas have been collected and 2000 participants have contributed their expertise.