Technology and the digital world form an integral part of our everyday lives: we live in a new digital ecosystem where we are constantly connected to the web thanks to devices that allow us to have the whole world at our fingertips. A world full of opportunities which everyone can access by acquiring new digital skills.
Becoming digital citizens
Poste Italiane has decided to make its many in-house professionals available to the public through thematic webinars and multimedia content, with the aim of raising awareness of the many aspects and opportunities offered by innovations and enabling users to become increasingly digital citizens.
In the European DESI report , Italy ranked 25th out of 27 member states in terms of digital skills, understood as the ability to acquire information, create content, collaborate or interface with public administration portals.
A wide-ranging overview of tools and technologies, such as the use of SPID, digital payment systems, fintech developments and the digital health frontier was therefore provided during 2022, always bearing in mind the fundamental theme of cyber security.
Great attention was also paid to environmental and sustainability issues related to energy consumption, innovations in the field of enertech and integrated smart building systems down to the proper recycling of technological devices in view of achieving a circular economy.
A year of meetings and dialogue with citizens
Over 50,000 people participated in the webinars in 2022 - citizens, customers and users who decided to learn more about the many aspects of the digital world in order to integrate them into their daily lives, both personal and business. Among the different paths offered, one is exclusively dedicated to small economic operators, freelancers and entrepreneurs who have decided to develop their business through the multiple technological platforms available on the market, tools that can be adapted to any business reality and size.
During each session, users were also able to interact with the speakers and company experts, asking questions and requesting insights.
Digital Education tools available on the Poste Italiane website
The Corporate University's Digital Education project constantly offers new multimedia content, such as podcasts, games, infographics and video clips, which are always freely available in the web section.
Activities can be followed on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter via the hashtag #educazionedigitale and in the stories section of Instagram.