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Il progetto Polis sul Sole 24 Ore: da Poste 30 milioni per gli spazi di coworking
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Polis project in Il Sole 24 Ore: 30 million allocated by Poste for co-working spaces

The Polis project envisages 250 co-working locations located in as many post offices in small municipalities. The maintenance work will also be carried out on the outside areas of the offices

Poste Italiane's Polis project is coming into its own. As stated in an article in Il Sole 24 Ore, the go-ahead was given for the EUR 30 million tender for the management of the future 250 co-working locations in as many Italian post offices, mainly in small towns. The deadline for applications for the awarding of management services, as well as for the provision of the necessary technology platform, is 3 February.

The Polis project in figures

The article goes on to explain that the plan is part of the maxi Polis project, financed by the NRRP, which envisages total investments of EUR 1.12 billion, EUR 320 million of which to be borne by Poste Italiane. 7,000 post offices in small towns with less than 15,000 inhabitants are to be involved in order to provide workspaces, foster social and territorial cohesion and also combat depopulation.

Co-working and sustainability

The maintenance work will not only involve the post offices, but the outdoor areas as well. “We have large areas in front of the post offices in many municipalities and we intend to destine them to become social spaces. Outside the offices, we will install digital cabinets with which we will provide services 24-7,' said Giuseppe Lasco, Co-General Manager of Poste Italiane. Charging stations will also be installed next to the post offices. All spaces will be interconnected and form a single digitised, smart network.