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Del Fante: “In five years revenues increased, investment doubled and Italy was kept together”

The words of CEO Matteo Del Fante during the presentation of Poste’s Polis Project, at Nuvola dell’Eur in Rome

“Poste is a market company, a company that has to be in the market and that has been able to transform itself in recent years. We’ve responded to the evolution of the world around us, we put new businesses in the field to counteract our legacy businesses that were struggling.” That’s how CEO Matteo Del Fante introduced his speech at the presentation of the Poste’s Polis Project, presented in Rome at Nuvola dell’Eur in front of President Sergio Mattarella, Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and the highest offices of the State.

Poste’s growth figures

“We’ve broadened our sphere of influence, intercepted the needs of our customers, who place their trust in Poste, and guaranteed the present and future of our 130,000 employees,” added the CEO. “But we are also aware of our role in the National Economy System, capable of combining a number of different business types with our social role in territories and communities. Polis makes us proud to be special. I would just like to give some key figures from the last five years that demonstrate our growth: we have gone from €10.5 billion in revenue to €11.6; annual investments have increased from €450 million to €800 million per year and the operating margin has more than doubled from €1.1 billion to €2.3 billion. We did this through activities in all our historical sectors, from postal savings to telephony, payments to services. Soon, in the natural evolution of our activities, we will also enter the energy market: we will offer households gas and electricity contracts, and also of course in our Polis offices”.

Del Fante: Polis was born from our sensitivity towards the country

Del Fante goes on to explain that Poste did everything “through the country’s most extensive network: its 13,000 post offices. And none of these, as you know, have been closed, not even in small towns. We have also completed the largest acquisition operation in the history of Poste Italiane, through the LIS contact points: today every Italian citizen is able to receive a physical Poste Italiane service in three minutes”. “We have greatly enhanced our digital skills and services,” adds Del Fante. “We are experiencing a revolution that is a a great opportunity for us. Everyone remembers what we did during the pandemic and our commitment to the regions. I’ll leave you with a significant number: every day, on Poste Italiane’s digital channels, we come into contact 20 million times with Italian citizens. All this,” concludes Del Fante, “explains our sensitivity for the municipalities and that’s what Polis was born from”.