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Mattarella: “The world has changed, but Poste Italiane's vocation to keep Italy connected is confirmed”

The words of the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, in his speech during the presentation of Poste Italiane's Polis Project

“The world has changed, but Poste Italiane's vocation to keep Italy connected is confirmed,” was how the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella ended his speech during the presentation of Poste Italiane's Polis Project. “Poste,” Mattarella said, “reminds us that 16 million people live in municipalities with less than 15,000 residents. It is a fundamental Italy, covering 8% of our territory and therefore an important part of Italy, important for development and balance.” Such an important part, continued the President of the Republic, “where there is, however, growing discomfort due to the withdrawal of services that has taken place and that affects the daily lives and opportunities of so many citizens. Whether it is a question of the minor islands, mountain municipalities, inland areas, it would be a deprivation of opportunities and development that would impoverish our country.”

The vocation of Polis

“This is why the value of the Polis project is so important,” continued the Head of State, “which intends to offer our fellow citizens — by making use of its digital network — the ability to use services that were nearly impossible, if not very distant. Last year, remembering 160 years, we emphasised how Poste has accompanied Italy in its development, not only in the fundamental task of guaranteeing communications and protecting savings, but also in innovation, helping to make our country modern.” This is the choice of Polis, explains Mattarella, according to whom “this vocation of Poste is confirmed, offering our fellow citizens services that were previously difficult to achieve. This project is an important part of the NRRP, but also as a response to a need in our country. This project is accompanied by the use of Poste's real estate assets, with the intention of bridging the gaps between territories.”

Mattarella's thanks to Poste

"I want to thank Poste Italiane for maintaining post offices everywhere, which are a reference point among small towns. This choice, not only to fill in gaps but also to urge the PA as a whole, is one whose value I would still like to emphasise. This determination demonstrates the possibility of not following the drift of reducing services to citizens but, on the contrary, keeping services offers the possibility of social and economic growth for the country. The world has changed, but Poste Italiane’s vocation to keep Italy connected is confirmed,” concluded the President of the Republic.