Transparent, innovative and sustainable offers, tailor made for the customer, these are the pillars of Poste Italiane's Poste Energia electricity and gas solution for the free market, available exclusively at all post offices, on and on the Postepay and BancoPosta apps.
Fixed-price energy: Poste Italiane's proposals
The price of the offer's electricity and gas raw material is locked in for 24 months, and there are two payment options: the traditional one, with a variable amount based on how much is consumed in the month, and the innovative one with a fixed instalment that is calculated on the basis of the previous year's consumption. The innovative solution allows the customer to pay the same monthly amount for 12 months, plan energy expenses for the household budget and have no surprises in their bill. At the end of the year, the instalment is recalculated for the following year, either upwards or downwards, based on the actual consumption recorded.
CEO Del Fante's comment
"With the launch of Poste Energia," explained Poste Italiane's CEO Matteo Del Fante, "we complete the process of expanding the range of services to Poste Italiane's customers by focusing on the strength of our innovative and omnichannel platform. Poste Energia is a service that is close to our philosophy because it is transparent, predictable, innovative and sustainable and leverages the very strong relationship of trust that binds citizens to Poste Italiane. This is another step forward on the path defined in the 24SI Plus Business Plan, with the strengthening of the company's strategy as a multi-platform company with a business diversified between postal, logistics, financial, insurance, payment, and telephony services and now also energy".
Poste Energia: sustainable and convenient consumption
Poste Energia stands out for its focus on environmental sustainability and conscious consumption, focusing on educating customers to limit their consumption. Furthermore, the electricity sold comes 100% from renewable sources produced in Italy, and the carbon dioxide emissions of the gas released for consumption are fully offset. Finally, it is an innovative proposal, thanks to the ease of subscription, for which all that is needed is to present a recent utility bill.
The advert with Mara Venier directed by Ferzan Ozpetek
The launch of Poste Energia follows the promotional offer dedicated to employees for the company's 160th anniversary, which in just a few months has reached the milestone of over 50,000 contracts signed, and is accompanied by an advert starring Mara Venier and directed by Ferzan Ozpetek.