Poste Italiane would like to remind all citizens in the Genoa province that they can book their spot at the 55 Post Offices directly from their PCs, tablets and smartphones. Time-saving remote booking systems confirm Poste Italiane's proximity to all citizens to meet their needs. Especially on busy days, the company invites citizens to access or use the Ufficio Postale, BancoPosta, and PostePay apps.
How the service works
After locating the Post Office you want, simply click the "Prenota" (Book) button and, on the next screen, choose whether to make an appointment with a Poste Italiane advisor for products, such as BancoPosta accounts, Policies, Investments, etc., or to book typical counter transactions. For counter transaction, it is possible to also choose the service you want, including Bills, PostePay and Parcels, PostePay and phone services, Motor Liability and SPID. You can then decide whether to take a number to go to the post office immediately or to make a booking for a later time. A QR Code will be generated and must be validated on arrival at the Post Office by bringing scanning it with the optical reader of the Queue Management machine.
Complete the booking
You can also book your spot at the 55 offices in the province via WhatsApp. Requesting an e-ticket this way is very simple. Just save the number +39 3715003715 on your smartphone and follow the instructions to complete the booking.