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Il Ministro Urso: “Digitale e coworking, con il progetto Polis Poste riporta la vita nei borghi”
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Minister Urso: 'Digital world and co-working - with the Polis project, Poste brings life back to villages'

Minister Urso was a guest speaker at the PA Forum: 'Through Poste's Polis project we can digitalise the country'

‘The Polis project plays a central role in repopulating Italian villages, allowing anyone living in one of our extraordinary villages to access public administration in the best possible way.’ This is what stated by the Minister of Enterprises and Made in Italy, Adolfo Urso, at the PA Forum in Rome. 'I believe that we can digitalise the country through the development of this project together with the parallel development of the Poste Italiane buildings, i.e. the digitalised workplaces in the Post Office buildings often located in the centre of cities.

Village life

Today, after lockdown, 'we know that more and more companies, more and more professionals can work remotely. Starting with the Polis project and the parallel co-working project - together with the digitalisation of the country, which we must complete - we can bring our wonderful villages back to life, making them attractive to anyone who wants to live in the most beautiful places in the world, perhaps working remotely, in other countries and on other continents. Today, this is possible.’