‘Mattarella: Polis, capillarity and innovation for citizens’, headlines Corriere della Sera by summarizing one of the passages of the exclusive interview granted by the President of the Republic to Poste News on the occasion of the holiday of 2nd June: ‘Organisational capillarity and the ability to innovate in the light of technological transformations guarantee services to all citizens," said the President of the Republic, interviewed by Paolo Pagliaro, when talking about the role played by Poste Italiane in the country.
The inclusiveness of Polis
In the interview with the group's newspaper, writes Corriere della Sera, the Head of State's attention turned, among other things, to the Polis project which should lead to the opening of new one-stop shops for the use of public services in digital mode and the creation of shared workspaces by the end of 2023. These plans fall under the objectives of the NRRP (National Recovery and Resilience Plan) and, in particular, under the so-called 'First Mission' which aims to promote and support the digital transition in the private sector and public administration. ‘Based on the decision to keep post offices operational even in small municipalities’, the Polis Poste Italiane project ‘ensures that people can make use of the same services that are more easily accessible in the cities,’ emphasised Mattarella. Il Giornale too echoes the words of the Head of State on Poste's commitment, headlining 'The Polis project is good. This is how Poste helps small municipalities'.
The right to happiness
‘The 2nd June reminds us of the right to happiness. Mattarella speaks' is the headline with which Il Foglio publishes a long piece on the Head of State's interview with Poste News and on his words about our Constitution which celebrates its 75th anniversary this year. ‘Constitutionalism inspired by the Enlightenment included the right to the pursuit of happiness in the Charters,’ President Mattarella reminded Poste News. ‘The preamble to the United States’ Declaration of Independence bears this inscription, which was suggested by a great Italian thinker, Gaetano Filangieri. From that beautiful reference - still present in some Constitutions - our Charter points to the right to work which, on closer inspection, is another path towards human dignity, made up of personal fulfilment and means of livelihood, on the road to happiness. This is a commitment included as an incipit in our Constitution and taken up in the first four articles with exceptional clarity and force. They are also articles full of hope and projected towards the new generations,' continued the Head of State. ‘They are articles and principles that indicate a permanent political, legislative and governmental action that succeeds in looking beyond what is immediate to design the best landing place for the younger generations. Work, the foundation of the Republic, is a goal that is still lacking for too many young people and women. There is a need to connect the transformations of economic models taking place due to technological evolution with the training needed to interpret them, to govern them in order to affirm the primacy of people against mere profit or domination logics'.
We ourselves are Europe
In another passage of the interview, reported by Il Messaggero, the President of the Republic highlights the value of European unity as 'one of the most successful events in the history of our continent'. ‘Within the framework of European institutions and with their help,’ added the Head of State, ‘it has been possible to achieve the greatest social progress, guarantee democracy and a system of freedoms, and ensure a state of peace after the continuous conflicts of previous centuries. Next year,' Mattarella concluded, 'there will be elections to the European Parliament. An extraordinary occasion of democracy for the citizens of 27 countries. We ourselves are Europe’.