Poste Italiane was awarded the 'Oscar di Bilancio 2023' in the 'Large Listed Companies' category for the completeness, transparency and innovation of its communication of financial results to the market and stakeholders.
The motivation
The jury's motivation explained that the “2022 Integrated Balance Sheet of Poste Italiane presents an excellent degree of maturity in terms of quality of information (both historical and prospective) and clarity of presentation. It has reached a particularly high level in terms of financial reporting and the integration of sustainability-related information within it, making evident both the Group's commitment to preparing the document and the introduction of sustainability issues into the company's business model and objectives. The main strengths include the representation of the connectivity between strategy, short-, medium- and long-term objectives, SDGS, KPIs, implemented actions and their impacts, the company's commitment to the representation of Double Materiality, the excellent use of graphics and the fully interactive and navigable nature of the document in the broadest sense of the term.
The comment of President Rovere
Over the years, the Oscar di Bilancio, now in its 59th edition, has contributed to promoting the development of an increasingly clear and articulate culture of corporate financial communication and reporting, establishing itself as a point of reference for the professional communities in the economic-financial and communication sectors. "We are honoured to receive this prestigious award," said Poste Italiane’s President Silvia Maria Rovere. "This Oscar is the tangible result of our ongoing commitment to financial excellence, transparency and corporate responsibility. Poste Italiane has proven to be a national benchmark within a dynamic and competitive environment, and this award reflects the extraordinary dedication of all the women and men of Poste Italiane who have made it possible to achieve this goal.”
The words of CEO Del Fante
"The awarding to Poste Italiane of the Oscar di Bilancio for Large Listed Companies is a source of great pride for us - commented Poste Italiane's CEO, Matteo Del Fante - it also confirms the achievement of a top position in the panorama of listed companies for both our results and for the quality and transparency of our financial reporting and communication to the benefit of the market and our stakeholders, consistent with the principles of integrity and transparency that characterise the identity of our Group".
The awards received by Poste
The Oscar di Bilancio adds to the numerous awards received by the Poste Italiane Group for its ability to effectively integrate ESG principles into its business strategies. Poste Italiane was recently recognised as a global 'Sector Leader' in the insurance field by Standard&Poor's Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA). Also in 2023, Poste Italiane received a platinum medal from EcoVadis, maintaining its 'AA' category in the MSCI rating and also improving the score obtained from Moody's. Poste Italiane is included in the most prestigious international sustainability indices, such as Dow Jones Sustainability Index World and Europe, Euronext Vigeo-Eiris Indices, Integrated Governance Index, Euronext Equileap Gender Equality Eurozone 100, FTSE4Good, Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index and Stoxx Global ESG Leaders. Positive ratings from agencies such as CDP and Sustainalytics further confirmed the company's commitment to sustainability. In addition, the Group has maintained its position as one of the sustainability leaders in the MIB® ESG index launched in 2021 by Euronext and Borsa Italiana, demonstrating its ongoing commitment to responsible and sustainable management.