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CEO of Poste Matteo Del Fante: “Our new products are a success for a changing Italy”

CEO Del Fante thanks all employees and reiterates the value and success of Poste Italiane’s choices and products on the news

Italy is also changing with Poste’s products, and the year that is drawing to a close has reinforced the importance of the company for citizens, with important projects of social value. The CEO of Poste Italiane, Matteo Del Fante, reiterated in an interview with TG Poste the value and success of the choices made, which have rewarded the company and which will guide the new Strategic Plan, and addressed his best wishes to the people of Poste.

Record year

The CEO emphasised that 2023 had been “positive”, in line with what had been sown in previous years. “We are succeeding in giving this company a future in new areas,” Del Fante continued, emphasising that “when the strategy is right, the numbers follow.” “It was a record year for parcels,” he added, “and a lot of satisfaction came from Poste Energia, with over 500,000 contracts. There was also great interest in the Polis Project, which - as well as providing PA services to citizens - “brings more people into post offices” and thus more customers, as Del Fante emphasised.

Poste’s products for a changing Italy

2024 will also be the year of the new Business Plan: “If the company wants to survive in the long term, it must take the right steps, in time to have those products that the changing world will demand - says Del Fante. In 2017 we invested in parcels, becoming the first operator; then in post offices, not closing them and relaunching them with new services. We have invested in payments, where we are national leaders, and where a continuous transition is taking place.” “The medium-term choices,” the CEO continues, “have projected the company into the future: year after year, we continue along those paths.” Del Fante announced that no new products will be released at the moment, but that “we will consolidate our existing products, helping our customers understand Poste’s great offer for families, which ranges from protection to payments to SIM cards.” “There are 1,200 Poste Casa e Famiglia points that we will upgrade,” explained the CEO of Poste, “Our value proposition is to satisfy families’ needs.

Del Fante’s wish

Del Fante concluded with sincere thanks for the People of Poste: “We are a service company and we have a future as long as our employees continue to demonstrate the professionalism and dedication that sets us apart. I am the first to be proud of this: our people gave their all and, in addition to thanking them, I wish everyone a heartfelt and happy holiday season, despite the fact that it is a particularly difficult time in the world,” the CEO concluded.