Poste Italiane maintains the 'A-' rating issued by CDP (formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project) in the Climate Change section, confirms its position as the global leader for sustainability policies for the fourth year in a row and is included among companies in the insurance sector in the 2024 edition of Standard&Poor's Global Sustainability Yearbook. CDP positively assessed the Group's performance, which showed further improvement in the disclosure of risks and opportunities, risk management and emissions reduction initiatives towards a low-carbonmodel. The score of 'A-', on a scale of 'D-' to 'A', is also higher than the European regional average and the 'Intermodal Transport and Logistics' sector average.
ESG Targets
CDP, a non-profit organisation recognised as the international gold standard in environmental reporting, manages the global disclosure system in reporting and evaluating performance and strategies against climate change. Its assessment pays particular attention to the accuracy of published data, knowledge of the effects of business on climate change and the progress achieved by companies in this direction, also in relation to ESG objectives and targets.
"Even CDP highlights the constant improvements in Poste Italiane's performance when it comes to environmental sustainability policies - commented Poste Italiane's CEO Matteo Del Fante - In addition to the prestige of the recognition, the confirmation of the rating and the inclusion in S&P Global's Sustainability Yearbook consolidate Poste Italiane's leadership due to having adopted a sustainable business model that focuses on the creation of shared value with particular attention to environmental protection, reinforcing our commitment to the integration of ESG aspects in our business strategy". “Once again, the judgement confirms the effectiveness of the Group's sustainability strategy with particular reference to the policies and actions taken to counter climate change – reported Poste Italiane’s Co-general Manager Giuseppe Lasco – CDP’s rating confirms the ability of the Company to effectively identify and manage risks and opportunities in a complex context. It also demonstrates the validity of our transition path towards a low-carbon economy in line with our 2030 carbon neutrality target, and reinforces the Group's reputation as a global leader in sustainability."
Sustainability Yearbook
The Sustainability Yearbook, based on companies' performance in S&P Global's Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA), includes and ranks the most successful companies internationally in terms of ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) performance. Thanks to its score in CSA 2023, Poste Italiane is one of 759 companies out of more than 9,400 assessed by CSA to be included in the Sustainability Yearbook 2024. With respect to the insurance sector, the Group - already recognised as a sector leader in CSA - is the only company in the top 1% of the 212 assessed by the rating agency, being among the 29 companies selected for inclusion in the document.
The awards received by Poste
The new award is among the numerous recognitions received by the Poste Italiane Group for its sustainability practices. There is also the platinum medal received from EcoVadis, the maintenance of the 'AA' rating in the MSCI rating and the improvement in the score obtained from Moody's, as well as the inclusion in the most prestigious international sustainability indices such as the Dow Jones Sustainability Index World and Europe, the Integrated Governance Index (IGI), Euronext Equileap Gender Equality Eurozone 100, FTSE4Good, the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index and Stoxx Global ESG Leaders. Positive ratings from agencies such as S&P Global, CDP and Sustainalytics confirm the company's commitment to sustainability. In addition, the Group has maintained its position as one of the sustainability leaders in the MIB® ESG index launched in 2021 by Euronext and Borsa Italiana, demonstrating its ongoing commitment to responsible and sustainable management.