Poste Italiane confirms its role of systemic player supporting local communities and italy. our people are key drivers of innovation for sustainable success
With the Polis Project, Poste Italiane re-confirms its pivotal role for Italy, contributing to territorial cohesion and bridging the digital divide in smaller municipalities.
- Renovation work has been completed in 1,104 post offices (POs) located in municipalities with fewer than 15 thousand inhabitants, to ensure citizens have access to key Public Administration services. Currently INPS (Italy’s public welfare institution) services, civil and judicial certificates are already available to citizens.
Our people are the cornerstone of Poste Italiane’s success, investing in their skills and disseminating a culture of inclusion that fosters innovation.
- Poste Italiane is “Top Employer” for the fifth consecutive year, thanks to robust people development programs and comprehensive welfare initiatives, which prioritises staff well-being.
- Poste Italiane achieves the UNI/PdR 125:2022 certification, outlined in the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR). With an impressive score of 96 out of 100, Poste Italiane confirms the solidity of its journey with the goal of building a more equitable and inclusive workplace.
- “Insieme-24SI”, Poste Italiane’s engagement initiative, has collected a total of 1,300 ideas over two editions, contributed spontaneously by our people in support of the Group’s purpose and the execution of the ESG strategy.
Reducing environmental impacts from logistics operations.
- Poste Italiane wins the "Premio Impatto" award, promoted by the CSR and Social Innovation Fair, for the social and environmental value of its fleet Renewal Plan, which aims to replace the entire Group’s vehicle fleet with 27,800 environmentally friendly models by 2024. As of December, the number of low-emission vehicles has reached a total of 26,225 units.
Confirmed our commitment to responsible investments for a sustainable growth.
- BancoPosta Fondi SGR has launched “BancoPosta Universo Tematico” fund that promotes environmental and social characteristics (pursuant to art. 8 of EU Regulation 2019/2088 – SFDR). Once again, BancoPosta Fondi SGR has also contributed to initiatives on climate change, such as Climate Action 100+, and to collective engagement activities promoted by the “Forum per la Finanza Sostenibile”
- Poste Vita has launched four Life investment insurance products: two class-1 type, “Poste Domani Insieme” and “Poste Prospettiva Valore Gold”, and two multi-class products, “Poste Progetto Integrazione Programmata” e “Poste Progetto Bonus 4in4”
Recognised the comprehensive, transparent and effective communication towards all stakeholders.
- Poste Italiane wins the “2023 Oscar di Bilancio” award – Special Prize Non-Financial Statement, promoted by Borsa Italiana, Bocconi University and FERPI (Italian Federation of Public Relations), confirming the Group’s ability to report in a clear, innovative and transparent way, through its 2022 Integrated Report, the ESG strategy and key achievements.
- Poste Italiane obtains the “5 Stars” award in Lundquist’s “Sustainability” research, for the quality of digital communication.
- S&P Global, first rank worldwide among insurance companies and confirmed for the fourth consecutive year as global leader for sustainability and inclusion policies in the 2024 edition of the Sustainability Yearbook, based on the 2023 CSA of S&P Global.
- Dow Jones Sustainability Index World and Europe, inclusion for the fifth consecutive year.
- Integrated Governance Index (IGI), among top three companies in the 2023 ranking
- FTSE4Good and Stoxx Global ESG Leaders indices, inclusion respectively for the fourth and second year running.
- Bloomberg Gender Equality Index (GEI), included for the fourth year running.
- MIB ESG Index by Euronext and Borsa Italiana, maintained index inclusion with leadership position and improved Moody’s score by two points reaching 79/100. In addition, confirmed its presence in the most relevant international Euronext indices – Equileap Gender Equality Eurozone 100, World 120, Eurozone 120 and Europe 100.
- MSCI ESG “AA” rating and CDP (formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project) “A-” rating confirmed.
- Sustainalytics ESG Industry Top rated, confirmed “Low Risk” rating.
- EcoVadis platinum medal (improved from last year’s gold medal).