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Poste Italiane: il Consiglio di Amministrazione nomina Giuseppe Lasco nuovo Direttore Generale
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Poste Italiane: the Board of Directors appoints Giuseppe Lasco as the new General Manager

General Manager Giuseppe Lasco, reporting to CEO Matteo Del Fante, is responsible for managing and coordinating the Group's corporate structures

The Board of Directors of Poste Italiane S.p.A. (the "Company"), which met yesterday under the chairmanship of Silvia Maria Rovere, resolved, inter alia, on the proposal of CEO Matteo Del Fante, who resigned as General Manager to reorganise the top management functions appointing Giuseppe Lasco, formerly Joint General Manager, as the Company's new General Manager effective immediately.

General Manager Giuseppe Lasco, reporting to CEO Matteo Del Fante, is responsible for managing and coordinating the Group's corporate structures.

The activities relating to BancoPosta's Allocated Assets, insurance, asset management, payments and e-money businesses remain under the direct control of the CEO.