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Financial Services, targets driven by Savings and Investment products

Total revenues reached € 7.0 billion in 2028 with a solid growth of 3% and an operating result (EBIT) stable at € 0.9 billion

Gross Revenues to €7.0bn in 2028, with a robust 3% growth mostly driven by Savings and Investments benefiting from the new commercial service model.

  • EBIT: broadly stable at €0.9bn in 2028.

2028 Operational Objectives

  • Total Financial Assets: €624bn (€581bn in 2023) as a result of a strengthened Savings and Investments by better serving clients’ financial needs.
  • Consumer Loans’ volumes: €4.3bn (€3.3bn in 2023), including personal loans’ volumes increasing to €3.4bn - thanks to more effective client engagement, also through a renewed digital experience, and increased approval rate from banking partners - and Salary-Backed Loans’ volumes reaching €0.9bn from €0.7bn in 2023 – driven by product offer evolution and a consolidated market leadership.
  • Micro-Small Business: the number of current accounts will reach 400,000 (2023: 278,000), with the average deposit per account amounting to €11,000, up from €8,400 in 2023, thanks to a renewed commercial focus leveraging on the state-of-the-art service platform and a new dedicated service model, including more than 400 new “Punto Poste Business Corners” in major Post Offices with dedicated Advisors and customised approach for top clients.
  • Investment Portfolio Revenues: €2.5bn (€2.4bn in 2023), thanks to effective portfolio management leading to higher revenues benefitting from proactive management actions to stabilise yields in the medium/long term, with flexibility to adapt to different market scenarios.

In Financial Services, Poste Italiane will benefit from the supportive macroeconomic and market trends, including banking closure in local communities, addressing financial needs of retail and micro and small business clients leveraging on Post Offices.

The strategic focus is on: 1) strengthening Savings and Investments, attracting new liquidity through digital channels, and re-balancing client investments in order to optimize their risk/reward dynamics; 2) expanding Consumer Loans, by improving approval rates and widening partnerships, and 3) enhancing services for Micro and Small Businesses benefitting from comprehensive product offer and increased points of contact through the retail network and digital platforms.