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Del Fante lancia la nuova era di Poste: “Con digitale e logistica leader di riferimento nel Paese”
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Del Fante launches Poste's new era: 'With the digital and logistics sectors leading the country'

Del Fante spoke to Corriere della Sera about the new 'The Connecting Platform’ strategic plan

Digital and Logistics sectors, and revenues at €13.5 billion: Poste Italiane’s CEO Matteo Del Fante spoke to Corriere della Sera about the new “'The Connecting Platform’ strategic plan which” - the newspaper writes - “envisages a 20% growth in net profit in five years.”

The SuperApp

Among the innovations announced, special attention was paid to the SuperApp: Del Fante explains that “it is already live, but the migration of our customers using Poste's other apps must start with due care to avoid losing customers during the transition. The migration to the SuperApp, which features a new wallet for payments and the access to all of Poste's services and products, will take place in 2025.”

Revenues at 13.5 billion

“What is the key factor of the company's remuneration policy?,” the newspaper wondered. "There is no one factor," replied Poste's CEO. "In the eyes of the analysts, the company retains its basic simplicity, with several areas of activity easily measurable in terms of revenues, which will reach €13.5 billion. On the other hand, it is easy to assess the entity of the costs and thus obtain a picture that is easy to read. I would add, however, one element of the plan that impressed the financial community: the investment income from our Btp portfolio will remain stable over the entire plan, increasing from €2.3 billion to €2.5 billion. A commitment made regardless of rate developments.”

Other businesses

The plan envisages new businesses worth at least €700 million in revenue in the parcels and logistics area, as regards which the CEO explains: "We have €500 million in additional revenues in the parcel sector and about €300 million from contracts with large customers of logistics outsourcing services. We already have customers such as Tim and Vodafone and, in the case of telephony, we guarantee e.g. the transfer of a smartphone from the distributor to the end customer, including last-mile delivery.” “As for e-commerce,” continues Del Fante, “we are the reference leader and are now aiming to move up the chain of B2B activities and the international market. We are also working on the development of a joint venture in the real estate sector for parcel management and on the development of warehouses for third-party logistics. We will identify the partner to enter this operation, which is worth around €800 million, by April.