Sustainable finance and the application of ESG principles in investment criteria were the focus of Poste Italiane President Silvia Rovere's speech at the conference “Innovation and inclusion for a sustainable future”. In a speech to the microphones of TG Poste, President Rovere explained that “a large group like Poste has in its entire strategy strongly permeated the concept of sustainability” from the green to the social one, “and also a sustainability,” she continued, “expressed on the G of ESG, that is, the ability to have a governance - which is the crown jewel of Poste - oriented towards ensuring that all business processes take into account, in a systematic and continuous manner, objectives that are not only financial, therefore creating economic and social value, but also have a strong social, environmental and cohesion impact”. This is the case of the Polis Project, with the aim of social and territorial cohesion.
Social governance
“We have given credit,” she continued, “to the public institutions that, in collaborating with our project, demonstrate that governance is not only corporate. Governance must give its contribution at all levels”. The President then describes a governance “that involves our stakeholders, from the institutions, which are also Polis’ partners, to the governance represented by our employees, strongly committed to social projects”.