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Consegne pacchi da record per Poste Italiane: l’e-commerce cresce del 18,3%
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Mail and parcels: revenues well in excess of plan target

Parcel revenues recorded extraordinary double-digit growth of 14.5% year-on-year

In Q2-24 Mail, Parcel & Distribution revenues at €954m, 6.8% y/y Underlying growth (€1.9bn in H1-24, 5.7% y/y Underlying growth).

Q2-24 Mail revenues were at €548m up 6.8% y/y (€1.1bn in H1-24, +4.9% y/y), driven by higher volumes of registered mail and supported by a favourable business mix and repricing actions, offsetting lower mail volumes.

Parcel revenues recorded outstanding double-digit growth of 14.5% y/y to €375m in Q2-24 (€743m in H1-24, +12.2% y/y), supported by strong parcel volumes growth (+25.6% y/y in Q2-24 to 72 million items; +23.5% y/y to 143 million items in H1-24), driven by all customer segments, with a further acceleration of growth trends in Q2.

In Q2-24 parcel tariffs are down 5.7% y/y, while in the first six months of the year they are down 6.1%, reflecting higher volumes with lower pricing and unit costs.

Q2-24 Distribution revenues were at €1.4bn up 7.8% y/y (€2.7bn in H1-24, +3.3% y/y), reflecting positive commercial trends and compensating for higher network costs.

Q2-24 Segment EBIT was at €55m (€96m in H1-24), with 19.7% y/y Underlying growth. supported by a strong momentum across products.