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La flotta di Poste Italiane viaggerà con i biocarburanti di Enilive
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Poste Italiane’s fleet will travel on Enilive’s biofuels

The two companies signed an important cooperation agreement concerning supplies to ground and aerial vehicles

Poste Italiane’s land and air fleet will travel with biofuels from Enilive, Eni’s company dedicated to mobility services and products, therefore accelerating the company’s journey towards the energy transition and carbon neutrality expected by 2030. The General Manager of Poste Italiane, Giuseppe Lasco, and the General Manager of Eni’s Energy Evolution, Giuseppe Ricci, signed a Letter of Intent that initiates cooperation in the supply of biofuels produced mainly from waste, such as used cooking oil and animal fats, and from the residue of the agro-food industry that Enilive processes in its biorefineries. In particular, for road transport, the agreement provides for the supply of HVOlution diesel from renewable raw materials*, available at more than 1,000 service stations in Italy, which will be managed through Multicard, Enilive’s commercial card service. For air transport, the collaboration also concerns the supply at some Italian national airports of JET A1+Eni Biojet, whose SAF (Sustainable Aviation Fuel) component is produced by Enilive from 100% biological materials and is suitable for use in mixtures with conventional jet fuel, in an amount that reaches up to 50%.


“The collaboration with Enilive opens a new chapter in our path of integrating ESG principles into our corporate strategies,” commented Giuseppe Lasco, the General Manager of Poste Italiane. “The agreement allows us to move our fleet, which is the largest in the country, with biofuels, a solution that will allow us to be able to even more rapidly reduce the use of fossil fuels. The agreement will further our environmental policies and provide a strong impetus to decrease our carbon footprint, contributing to the green transition of the economy.”

“The signing of this agreement,” said Giuseppe Ricci, General Manager of Eni’s Energy Evolution, “marks the start of a collaboration between Enilive, the company established by Eni to make the most of mobility products and services, and Poste Italiane, a company of extraordinary importance for the country, with the common goal of contributing to the decarbonisation of road and air transport through the use of biofuels. The plants and technologies we have developed over the past decade enable Enilive to produce the necessary quantities of HVOlution and SAFs so as to meet market needs and, as far as air transport is concerned, also to respond to the indications of regulations such as the European Union’s ReFuelEU, which aims at progressively extending the adoption of SAFs, up to reaching 70% in 2050.”

Environmental priorities

The agreement between the two investee companies of the Ministry of Economy and Finance is intended to contribute to the country’s energy transition, moving in line with the environmental priorities of Poste Italiane’s Strategic Plan, including the replacement of its entire vehicle fleet with more sustainable vehicles and the achievement of carbon neutrality by 2030, anticipating the already ambitious targets set by European regulations by 20 years.