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Da Poste Logistics a Locker Italia: le operazioni societarie del terzo trimestre 2024
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From Poste Logistics to Locker Italia: corporate transactions in the third quarter of 2024

The evolution of the postal network includes the increase of alternative collection points and the development of integrated logistics

The new service model aims to optimise customer coverage and management based on an omni-channel approach, directing advisors’ efforts into "relational" rather than "transactional" activities, generating value for the Group.

In the context of the logistical transformation towards an end-to-end logistics operator, note should be taken of the evolution of the postal network, increasingly geared towards parcel management, the development of international business and integrated logistics. As part of the broader strategic partnership with DHL signed in 2023, this strategy includes the establishment in April 2024 of Locker Italia SpA for the development in Italy of a network of lockers on which last mile parcel deliveries will be made. In September, the first of the 10,000 lockers that will be activated nationwide was inaugurated. Thanks to their extensive coverage and technology, they will further improve the quality of services supporting e-commerce. In order to accelerate and co-finance the Group’s logistics transformation process, work continued on the forthcoming establishment of a joint venture to manage the Poste Italiane Group’s logistics infrastructure in a state-of-the-art manner and according to the highest quality and ESG standards.

The establishment of NewCo Poste Logistics S.p.A. in March 2024 also helps bolster integrated logistics. Finally, the hospital logistics market includes the establishment of the company SPV Cosenza, for the execution of the first Public Private Partnership for the management and rationalisation of integrated healthcare logistics for the Cosenza Provincial Health Authority.