Poste Italiane’s General Manager Giuseppe Lasco: 'Passports available in all Italian post offices starting from July'di redazione Postenews
Poste: First quarter revenues reached 3 billion; Del Fante: “We are on track to meet 2026 targets”di redazione Postenews
Poste at Netcomm Forum: from fresh food to green shipping and returns, services for businesses are growingdi Postenews
CEO of Poste Italiane Del Fante: “Customers even more at the centre with our new plan; we will use both physical and digital channels”di Postenews
The General Manager of Poste Italiane Giuseppe Lasco: “1,600 Polis construction sites launched, we have already issued the first 20 passports”di Postenews
Del Fante launches Poste's new era: 'With the digital and logistics sectors leading the country'di Postenews
A higher dividend, SuperApps and parcels in 4 hours: Poste's new plan according to newspapersdi Postenews
Poste presents 'The Connecting Platform' strategic plan for 2024-2028, Del Fante: 'Our model is a state-of-the-art network'di Postenews
The General Manager of Poste Italiane Giuseppe Lasco: 'Polis is progressing fast, the Project will be completed as early as the beginning of 2026'di Postenews
From the transformation of logistics to the SuperApp: the main strategic points of Poste Italiane's 2024-2028 Plandi Postenews
Poste, revenues up to EUR 12 billion in 2023, boom in parcels. CEO, Del Fante: 'Record numbers, ours is a unique and successful strategy'di Postenews
Poste Italiane: the Board of Directors appoints Giuseppe Lasco as the new General Managerdi Postenews